Tragedy abounds: the blackbird saga

Even on a summer’s night, terrible things can happen. And what I notice is that even though there’s no one really to blame, you somehow feel accountable, even making up reasons why you are, and believing them.

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Midway. A 4-min film that everyone should watch.

Anyone who’s ever read my blog knows that I love birds. The large, white, feathered variety with a bad attitude, normally. But the truth is, I secretly love all birds. From the little birds that have massive arguments in the garden, to the geeses; alarmed blackbirds, to clever, arrogant magpies. Even the rooks and ravens have their place for me. I think of them as Tolkien’s Watchers. First Goslings 2013

So bearing in mind I hatched 19 fluffy goslings and kept them alive with only two terribly sad fatalities (and they are prone to getting into trouble, so this was some feat), I foolishly watched this film (below – 4 mins only).

So now I confer upon you that same honour. Because even if you don’t want to know this, and you’re not interested in this kinda thing, you should know about it.  This should be part of what’s taught in Science at school. You don’t have to care about it. Just like my generation all have at least a vague understanding of climate change; the next should understand the stark realities of human waste and excess and that there might yet be something we can do about it.

Midway film says it all

The wider message of the film (the one that does affect you) shouldn’t escape you.

The more common knowledge it is, the more difference (to policy, laws, lobbying practices, influence) can be made by the people who care enough to shout about it. They don’t require you to care about it; just to know about it.

Please watch.

PS. Right at the end, a title fades in under ‘Midway’. It says ‘Message from the Gyre’. The link between that and my earlier disastrous post ‘Turning and turning in the widening gyre’ was too much to ignore. I like to see signs in my life.