Blowing My Own Trumpet (via someone else)

I suspect that crowing over great reviews on Amazon is a little like ‘liking’ your own comments on Facebook, but I have to share this one with you:

5.0 out of 5 stars Not your typical vampire story!, April 11, 2013
By Tammy MaasSee all my reviews
This review is from: Autotherapy (Kindle Edition)

Sakina Murdock delivers the entire package in this book; from realistic well developed characters to scientific evidence, she makes you believe in the unthinkable. The details in this book are amazing. A little town called Cumbria, located in the UK, comes to life on the pages; you can see it, smell it and practically touch it. This book will suck you in and spit you back out, making you feel as though you are being held hostage as you quickly turn the pages wanting to see what happens next.

Love it.

Interviewed again!

So today, as anyone who gets my Twitter feed will have realised, was my interview with Johnny Worthen, venerable author and gobshite of deepest Utah. It was fun seeing the questions he was asking, but hellfire, it was hard thinking up the answers.

I wished I could have been as smart-funny as Tammy Maas, and Erin Britt but t’was not to be. I do tend to panic when someone turns the spotlight on, and I even had to go through my entire book to work out who got killed, because I couldn’t be sure I’d remembered them all. Hardly spontaneous, but still fun.

It was very nice to be asked questions and not to be interrupted halfway through the response.

Thank you Johnny!


Autotherapy Launches!

Never listen to anyone! Everyone loves a party, right?!

Autotherapy’s launch party was done proud by many of my long suffering friends, family, ex-colleagues, former bosses, and general lovely riff-raff. It was such an explosion of people, old and new. Totally blew me away.

Thank you all so much.

I got chocolates, flowers, and fabulous chutney, and the chance to graffiti my book lots of times!

Lessons Learned:
1. If you’re going to stand, learn to stand up straight and tall. Otherwise fat photos are all you’re gonna get.

2. There is NO more satisfying feeling than seeing a battered copy of your book, knowing it’s been read. Nothing comes close.

3. Can’t do witty comments on purpose.

Disasters Averted
Burst out of dress just as people were starting to arrive. Bloody strap broke. Could only happen to Sakina. Not a problem. Crippling indecision had sent me to the pub with two outfits. The ‘Diva in Hot Pink’ was my first choice anyway, it’s just a tad loud for a book launch. I stood out like a belisha beacon!
And no, I’m never usually that organised. Must have been sixth sense.

Pen ran out on the first signature, so someone kindly donated a pen. Hooray for the British Red Cross canvassers and their free pens!

Person I’m Most Afraid of
My dad. Retired copper, has read it once but refused last night to speak his mind, saying he would read it again before discussing it with me. While I was writing it, I talked over bits of the story with him , and he got me in touch with a real life CSI to ask questions about processes.

But I’m terrified I might have got bits of police process wrong or made some of the characters too annoying or not real enough for him. Reportedly he was surprised that his daughter had come up with such imaginings. ‘Appalled’ was the actual word used, but the reporter is given to bandying that word around …

I am not sitting in the pub by myself. Someone else took the picture, right?!

(Image c/o Rebecca Crossley)

LAUNCH PARTY!!!! (Geeses Not Included)

As inspiring and hilarious as they are, and much as they love a party (and a punch up), the geeses are NOT coming to the long awaited celebration of the publication of my novel, AUTOTHERAPY. I’m hoping that a few delicious grains and some new bedding will curb their disappointment.

However, if you’re reading this, you’re in the area and you fancy a glass of wine and a catch up with me in person, you are welcome to drop in between 19:00 – 21:30 on Wednesday 19 September at the King’s Head Inn, Ravenstonedale (maps below). There’s even the opportunity to buy a book if you haven’t already done so, though trash thrillers with shades of horror isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Signed goes without saying… If you’ve already bought it from Amazon, please, please, bring it with you so I can sign it. I promise one day to be rich and famous (or just famous will do) so you do at least get the chance to make your money back!

this one shows it more close up – it’s not actually on the edge of the A685, but about a minute’s drive down a B road on the right if you’re driving towards Kirkby Stephen – if you find yourself forcing your car up a very steep hill, you’ve missed the turn off

this lovely spot is what you’re looking for…